April 20, 2024

by Pastor Virginia Brace

Even as I am speaking, change is happening. It will move very fast and many won’t understand what is going on. 

I am the author of this CHANGE and it will move at record breaking speed. Many people, even my people, are blinded by the speed. But today, I am telling you, I am causing and I am bringing about CHANGE.

In fact, Nothing will be as it used to be. This frightens some of you and others welcome it all. But I want you to know that I am causing the CHANGE. It will happen in the churches, in government, in workplaces, in cities, and in your home. It has already begun and nothing can stop it.

Don’t expect anything to stay the same because you are in New Time. You have never walked this way before so things may shake you up.

But rest in Me because I am bringing things back to normal. This is not the normal you have ever had but it’s your New Normal.

What I am bringing is new to you but you will understand quickly. Church won’t be the same, workplace will change, cities will do things differently, governments will govern with people, home life will take a drastic turn and I will be the center of all these places.

But the entire world will be great because I am about to pour out my glory on all of you. Most of you have never seen My Glory but as you look at it you will change in a moment. But everything will be better. You will receive My Glory and pour it out on others. So every step you take in My Glory you will give it away to others who want it.  

As I pour out My Glory Church will be much different, governments will look to me for answers, workplace will be so great as people get along and love each other, and home life will be absolutely amazing.

I will release my angels to help others and protect them and do what godly things you need. To say life will be better is not really true. Because everything will be so glorious and every day will be amazing and each of you will understand what I have done. Not just for your nation but for every nation on this earth as I become the center of the hearts of the people.

Most of you have never seen My Glory but as all this takes place, you will just enjoy and treasure this time. It is a time when revival has swept the lands and the seas and you will know I did this for you.

Revival will be normal, healings will occur when you get together, miracles will happen all around you, I want you to get a different picture of Me and what I am bringing to the earth. It will be a glorious, wonderful, exciting time and you all will experience Me as never before.